The Batman, The Matrix 4: postponed outings and studios in a panic?

The coronavirus damn disturbs in the long term big productions like The Batman and The Matrix 4, which we were impatiently waiting for.

Admittedly, the planned dates were not all close since the film by Lana Wachowski was due to be released on May 21, 2021 and that of Matt Reeves on June 23, 2021. Nothing has yet been confirmed concerning their postponement, but Variety, which is a reference more than serious, made the calculations and its forecasts feel the shift. When exactly? Impossible to know since the United States is struggling with the pandemic.

The shooting has been stopped worldwide and the productions have no visibility on the future. The director of The Batman recently tweeted his concern about postponing the making of his film until an indefinite date. Indeed, the studios hoped to be able to resume their activities in mid-April, but it would seem that the deadline should lengthen by a good month, at least. The viral peak was not reached in the States and it is not expected before the end of April in metropolitan areas such as New York, where the production centers are concentrated.

It is not possible for the studios to restart the machine until local governments have lifted the ban on gatherings of more than 10 people. For blockbusters like Matrix and The Batman, the restriction is obviously impossible to hold given the staff in action in any scene shot.

The schedules are still vague regarding the cinematographic life of the coming months. The delays in filming, the post-production work that will have to follow and the traffic jams of all the films that will come out after their quarantine promise to become unprecedented logistical wheeling and dealing . Especially since filming abroad risks being postponed even longer, because of the virus.
