Disney +, Netflix, Apple TV + … streaming subscriptions explode thanks to coronavirus

The coronavirus succeeds in making some people happy: the American platforms see their subscribers increasing exponentially … but for only a time.

Disney +, Netflix, Apple TV +, Amazon Prime … all streaming services have had subscription peaks since the start of the coronavirus. In the United States, schools are closed and parents have to take care of their offspring, while they telecommute or hope for a little calm. The solution is all found and it is called the small screen.

The data specialist, Forbes, said that the series and film platforms had recorded exceptional increases since the pandemic had shutdown the Americans at home. Disney + tripled its number of registrations between March 14 and 16 compared to the previous week; HBO Now (whose HBO Max version will arrive later in 2020) accounts for a 90% increase and Showtime for 78%; Netflix has more modest results (47%) as well as Apple TV + (only 10%). From one week to another, the figures are therefore enormous, but perhaps not destined for stability.

Indeed, the attractiveness of platforms is very much due to the free first month. According to Forbes analysts, it is quite possible that many users will terminate their accounts when life returns to normal. Nevertheless, the trick is effective in making the public discover the complete catalog of each platform.