HBO Series : Silicon Valley (First Season)

Silicon Valley is a comedy series from the American HBO, created by Mike Judge, originally from Beavis and Butt-Head, cult series of the 1990s. He also launched more recently King of the Hill. It tells the adventures of six roommates in their twenties, rather great programmers trying to win in the Silicon Valley. Among them, Richard creates an innovative algorithm that will attract large groups.

The series starts on that. Critics about it often make the parallel with The Big Bang Theory, geek mirror approved. Silicon Valley is much more frank and mature than the latter, where relationships with the opposite sex, the family, or that kind of turpitude occupy a lot of space.

Similarly, the characters are not so hysterical: they are content to be caricatures, cartoons with geek language rather than geek quintessences. The best protagonist is naturally Elrich (T.J.Miller) Irish, a mature Cartman (South Park).

The Dynamism of the First Premier. One of Richard’s finds is dispossessed of him, threats are omnipresent. It’s a world of opportunities, but there are only two ways to exist: to hold power or to have a new idea, one is able to protect and market. This is the problem of this team, where it is very hot, Elrich is able to defend a product, even leaves to take the merits.

Silicon Valley mocks, without bitterness, just by the absurd and the caricature, this universe elitist as well on the intellectual level, technological, as on the financial plan. Gavin Belson (Matt Ross, eternal asshole), with his spiritual advisor and his charity actions.

It shows the actors of this course, including these anonymous grandiloquents (of which they are only part of), who have all their applications or who are hijacked. The dialogues are generally excellent, which is very categorical, it’s not visionary but it’s clever and it’s one of the funniest series since 30 rock.