Benjamin Gates could (really) return to the cinema

The sequel to the adventures of Benjamin Gates is on the right track. The third film is still in development.

In this month of December, Disney + unveiled its series Lost Treasures: Moctezuma’s Secret. Spin-off of the iconic saga carried by Nicolas Cage, this new production follows the adventures of Jess Morales, an intrepid adventurer and keen on history who will explore the vestiges of her past with a group of friends. Determined to learn more about her origins, the young woman then embarks on an adventure full of mystery and adventures.

Apart from its title, and a few characters, the series did not bet everything on its relationship with the world of Benjamin Gates. The fans of the first hour will not have had the opportunity to meet the famous adventurer. But all hope is not lost. Jerry Bruckheimer, who produced the first two films, dwelt on the matter during an interview with E! News. He explains that National Treasure 3 or Benjamin Gates 3 in French, is not dead and buried.

“We’ve always said we’d love to do another Benjamin Gates. We were told: ‘of course, let’s find a new cast’. At the same time, we were developing a film for theaters with Nicolas Cage. What we always do. It is in progress.”

Nicolas Cage is ready to return to service
Despite what one might think, Nicolas Cage isn’t opposed to reprising the role. The actor also keeps a rather good memory of his time in front of Jon Turteltaub’s camera. He told Collider last March:

“I did my best to cast a Benjamin Gates 3. I love those movies. What I felt was that even though the movies were hugely successful and had a very strong fanbase, the production company was never able to capitalize on that as a franchise. ”

It remains to be seen if and when this new opus will see the light of day. Things do not seem to have been fully implemented yet, it will take a little patience. Everyone seems to be on board, probably all that remains is to wait for the green light. Hope it arrives soon.
