Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker – two new beautiful posters pay homage to the original trilogy

Disney continues to send bursts of images to sell the latest installment of the Skywalker saga. This time, 2 new posters are unveiled.

Official Trailer

The last spectacular trailer was theoretically the last, it did not stop the promotional hype. TV spots and other photos followed. There were also character posters, staging in a rather classic way the main characters of this ultimate opus. One could see there Naomi Ackie, newcomer on the saga. She is also present on one of the last two posters unveiled recently.

More stylized than the official poster, this new preview does everything to fit into the iconographic legacy of George Lucas’s films. Hard not to see similarities with the Star Wars poster: Episode IV – A New Hope. Everything is there: the hero or the heroine above, the lightsaber lifted, the other characters behind him, a glimpse of space mechanics in a corner and especially the iconic mask of the villain in the background. Some fans had lamented the lack of these codes so far. They should be satisfied

We have a little trouble for now to discern the risks that the director says he took on this new episode. But this is only promotion, extolling the merits of 3D for the first poster, and those of the IMAX for the second. The conclusion that we hope to epic this part of the saga will be in theaters in both formats on December 18 & 20.