Avengers : Endgame

The end is near, and we’re all sad about it

Source : Marvel

Avengers Endgame, without a doubt the most anticipated movie for many years. I do not necessarily speak for myself but overall the hype was huge after a successful Infinity War, whose plot has surprised his world and whose memes are still furious today on the internet. It was enough to spend a few hours on the Internet in recent days to see that it only spoke of GoT and Endgame. This title of Endgame besides is appropriate for this part, as it represents the end of a film in two parts, a plot that will have lasted years since the first Iron Man in 2008, the end for many characters to close a chapter. Suffice to say that the pressure was great and the Russo brothers have concocted a first part by putting their balls on the table. This is a first part that will not please everyone, and I have already seen the double-edged opinions on the internet. Yet I must say that it made me feel good. She knows how to take her time, nothing is rushes. We see the pain of the characters and their difficulty to accept what just happened at the end of Infinity War, something rather natural and credible but surprising in a film of this production. I would have liked to see a post apo universe a little darker and provided visually but it was very nice.

The emotional aspect keeps a strong place in the feature film. In this regard, the fan service is at its height. In itself I will not criticize this aspect, defending it for example with Star Wars and GoT. I find that it is sometimes a little forced but in most cases it is well managed, funny and satisfying. An example of forced fan service in my opinion is the scene with all the super-heroines in the same plane. Yes it’s cool, yes the room was furious, but subtle level is worth a zero point. It is very symptomatic of the film. There is so much fan service that a person enjoying the universe will feast, others will have much more trouble, especially with certain screenplay choices. Where fan service is more or less present is about Thanos. He is the most emblematic villain of the MCU and he is much less present than in the first film. I welcome this initiative and risk taking. Speaking of man, he is still as charismatic and imposing. I would even say that for the first time, I was scared of him as I was scared of a younger Dark Sidious. Hat low. Infinty War had set the bar so high that results in a disappointment of this component, despite all its qualities. The two films complement each other very well, but the first, as I had repeated many times in my review, surprises and throws a lot of attention, while the second one lays a second part in the fan service and ease, despite a visually impressive battle. Now that Evergame has passed, I wonder how Kevin Feige will manage the future of the franchise. With the end of this chapter, there must be plethora of intrigues to adapt but I am curious to see how they will continue to interest the public. Now that the main plot has ended, it’s hard to imagine the road the saga will take. What is certain is that it is far from the end of the MCU, more prosperous than ever.