“Matrix” back for a fourth episode with Keanu Reeves

The shooting will take place in 2020 with the same duo of actors as in the previous sections and the director Lana Wachowski.

Twenty years after its debut, and sixteen years after its last outing, the matrix is ​​loading again. The actor Keanu Reeves, in the guise of the elusive Neo, will take over the role of cyber rebel dark glasses for a fourth installment of the Matrix saga, long awaited by fans.

Keanu Reeves will meet her partner Carrie-Anne Moss, who is returning to her role as Trinity, Warner Bros. Studios said in a statement on Tuesday (August 20th) that the film will be directed by Lana Wachowski.

A trilogy that raised $ 1.6 billion

The Wachowski sisters have worked a lot together, for example on the ambitious series Sense8, but this time Lana will be alone in charge of this film whose title has not been unveiled. It is also unclear how Matrix 4, which is set to begin shooting next year, will revolve around the first three.

According to the Variety website, Warner Bros has been trying for several years to revive the Matrix universe but was facing rights issues. Regarding the rest of the cast, the site evokes the possibility that the role of Morpheus, played by Laurence Fishburne, is attributed to a younger actor.